Prof. Aznan Hasan

- Shariah Board Membership
- Shariah Advisory to Banks
- Shariah Advisory to Takaful
- Teaching Islamic Finance
- Islamic Product Development
- Ph.D from University of Wales, Lampeter, United
Kingdom - Master degree in Shariah from Cairo University, Egypt.
- Degree in Shariah from University of al-Azhar , Cairo, Egypt.
Dr Aznan Hasan is a world-renowned scholar. He is an Associate Professor in Shariah at Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), IIUM and the former Head of Islamic Law Department, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia. He is currently the President, Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS). Currently, he serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director, Hong Leong MISG Takaful Berhad. He is also the Deputy Chairman, Shariah Advisory Council, Securities Commission of Malaysia. He is also a member, Shariah Advisory Council of AAOIFI, Bahrain.
Please read more about Dr. Aznan Hasan below:
Dr Aznan Hasan is an Associate Professor in Shariah at Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), IIUM and the former Head of Islamic Law Department, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia. He is currently the President, Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS) Currently, he serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director, Hong Leong MISG Takaful Berhad. He is also the Deputy Chairman, Shariah Advisory Council, Securities Commission of Malaysia. He is also a member, Shariah Advisory Council of AAOIFI,Bahrain. He was a member, Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia for two terms (2006-2008, 2010-2013). Prior to joining SAC of Bank Negara Malaysia, he was the Chairman, Shariah Advisory Board, ACR Retakaful MEA, Bahrain ad SEA, Malaysia, where he was instrumental in the setting up of ACR Retakaful Model from a Shariah point of view. Currently, he is the Chairman, Shariah Committee, Maybank Islamic Berhad and Maybank Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd. He also serves as the Chairman, Shariah Advisory Board, FNB Bank (South Africa), as a member, Shariah Advisory Board, ABSA Islamic Bank (South Africa), European International Islamic Bank (EIIB) (London), Yasaar Limited (London), Khalij Islamic (UK) Limited (London), Cordoba Capital (Dubai), Amanahraya Berhad, Amanah Raya Asset Management, Employee Provident Fund (EPF) as well as other financial institutions and corporate bodies located locally and internationally. He also serves as Shariah consultant to Maybank Investment Bank and Hong Leong Islamic Bank. He is a registered Shariah Advisor for the Islamic Unit Trust Schemes and Islamic securities (Sukuk), Securities Commission of Malaysia. He is also a member, Shariah Supervisory Board and Investment Committee, Waqaf Foundation, a corporate entity formed by the Government to oversee the application of Waqaf in Malaysia. He is also invited by several Zakat Centres in Malaysia to give advice on zakat matters in Malaysia.
Dr Aznan has conducted and published more than 40 researches and presented more than 100 presentations.
Dr Aznan Hasan received his first Degree in Shariah from University of al-Azhar (1994). He then successfully completed his Master degree in Shariah from Cairo University with distinction (mumtaz) (1998) and his thesis was recommended for publication. He then obtained his Ph.D from University of Wales, Lampeter, United Kingdom (2003).
Dr Aznan was involved in the structuring of various Islamic financial products, including banking products, capital market products and takaful products.
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